Welcome to MeDBA

MeDBA aims to provide an integrated, distinctive, practicable, user-friendly platform for metalloenzyme-focused data bank and analysis. It integrates information regarding metalloenzymes, ligands, metalloenzyme-ligand associations with metalloenzyme-specific analysis tools, which will help understand and investigate metalloenzyme-involved contents, and will promote and bridge metalloenzyme-related areas (e.g., biological chemistry, structural and chemical biology, synthetic biology, bioinorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry and drug discovery). MeDBA is developed and maintained by Prof. Guo-Bo Li's group.

Latest release

Dec 11, 2024

  • Optimized MBP visulization
  • Uploaded more MBP information (currently 1501 MBPs available)

MeDBA Statistics

No. of metalloenzymes 82540
No. of human metalloenzymes 1634
No. of metalloenzyme families (InterPro) 6837
No. of metalloenzyme-related diseases (ICD-11) 826
No. of metalloenzyme-related diseases (MeSH) 923
No. of metalloenzyme structures 50892
No. of metalloenzyme structure models 21616
No. of metal site classes 1738
No. of metalloenzyme-ligand complexes 10613
No. of metalloenzyme-protein complexes 5821
No. of metalloenzyme-DNA/RNA complexes 3922
No. of metal binding pharmacophores 1501
No. of bioactive ligands 431014
No. of metalloenzyme substrates/products 2243
No. of PROTACs targeting metalloenzymes 1415
No. of drugs targeting metalloenzymes 566
No. of drug candidates targeting metalloenzymes 6942
Category M-I
Metalloenzymes: 74267 Structures: 29953 Complexes: 6205 Bioactive ligands: 151862 Drugs: 363 Drug candidates: 3833
Category M-II
Metalloenzymes: 7338 Structures: 13593 Bioactive ligands: 234124 Drugs: 164 Drug candidates: 2368
Category M-III
Metalloenzymes: 935 Structures: 8128 Bioactive ligands: 53484 Drugs: 52 Drug candidates: 827